Cream of Wheat, January 30 2010

6 lbs. Red Wheat
3 lbs. Pilsner
Single Infusion Mash at 148°F
1 lb. Dried Rice Extract (at 20 minutes, not intentionally)
1 oz. Hallertauer for 60 min.
White Labs WLP810 San Francisco Lager Yeast (vial straight, no starter), thanks Kara!
OG: 1.058 @ 66°F
FG: 1.013 @ 64°F
ABV: 6%
Tasting Notes: Easy drinker and wheaty-yummy. Cranking up the CO2 to about 13psi to give it more sparkle. Hopefully, that will also strengthen the delicate wheat aromas. I typically achieve a lower final gravity but I'm thinking that WLP810 doesn't attenuate a well as WLP001. Also, maybe I simply needed to pitch a higher quantity of yeast.
Image Source: 1895 Cream of Wheat. Digital image. Cream of Wheat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 15 June 2006. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.
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