This is an off style recipe for an ale but how can I go wrong!? This brew is one of many for mass consumption at our New Year's Bash up in Big Bear. I will be making 4 beers with variations of like grains and hops.
Experimentale Brew 1

5 Gallons, All Grain, Single Infusion Mash, 90 Minute Boil
4lbs. Pilsener
3lbs. Domestic Two-Row
3lbs. Franco-Belges Munich
2lbs. Wheat Malt
1.3oz. Homegrown Centennial 60min.
1 Whirlfloc Tab 15min.
1/2oz. Spalt 10min.
1/2oz. Spalt 5min.
OG: 1.062
FG: 1.016
ABV: 6.1%
White Labs, California Ale Yeast
Experimentale Brew 1

5 Gallons, All Grain, Single Infusion Mash, 90 Minute Boil
4lbs. Pilsener
3lbs. Domestic Two-Row
3lbs. Franco-Belges Munich
2lbs. Wheat Malt
1.3oz. Homegrown Centennial 60min.
1 Whirlfloc Tab 15min.
1/2oz. Spalt 10min.
1/2oz. Spalt 5min.
OG: 1.062
FG: 1.016
ABV: 6.1%
White Labs, California Ale Yeast
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