Tuesday, June 24, 2008
June QUAFF Meeting
At Callahan's for the monthly QUAFF meeting. Shared my German Pilsner. Harold gave a presentation on mead making. Reminded me that I have some honey from Costco that I need to get fermenting! QUAFF meetings are always fun, tasty, and educational!
Sent from my mobile phone.
Sent from my mobile phone.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hop Farm, June 22 2008
The back-flow preventer sprung a leak so we made a trip to the hop farm to replace it. I was also curious to see if the trimmings barrier strategy was effective.
Turns out that a number of chinook cones were ready for harvesting. A JUNE HARVEST! After dehydrating the picked cones, it will likely amount to 1.5 ounces or so.
The weather in southern California has been very warm. I bumped up the watering duration to 1 hour twice daily to ensure they are getting plenty.
Above is a good image to see the progress the bottom row has made in just a week. Even the far left of the bottom row is making progress (previously mauled by rabbits and squirrels). Looking to the middle row, there's more vegetation than last week. Again, I trimmed back but not too much. The main vines have got to be protected!
Here's a wider shot showing the growth during the past week. Established vines are all in cone production!

The weather in southern California has been very warm. I bumped up the watering duration to 1 hour twice daily to ensure they are getting plenty.

centennial hops,
homegrown hops,
hop farm,
hop garden,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Kegerator Rust Repair
Its time for a little DIY project. Actually, I spent the majority of the week doing several projects I have been wanting to do. The kegerator's interior needed some attention. Since the temperatures are above freezing, water condensation eventually breaks through the laminate and starts eating away at the sheet metal. Once oxidation takes over, the process accelerates.
After allowing the kegerator to warm, I thoroughly cleaned all of the interior surfaces. I then sanded all rusted surfaces and taped off the edges. Image below shows sanding about 1/2 way completed. There's no need to sand off the paint completely but you want to sand away as much of the rust as possible.
At most hardware stores, in the spray paint isle, you'll find Rust-Oleum Appliance Epoxy. I picked this up at Home Depot for $3.99. Its moisture resistant and dries to the refrigerator-like glossy finish. Spraying this stuff in the chest freezer created a think paint fog inside. I was only able to spray for about 10 seconds at a time before being overwhelmed by the fog. I would suggest wearing a long sleeve shirt and a rubber glove for your spraying hand. Also, wearing a face mask would have been helpful. Dipping my arm in the paint fog left my arm hairs white (washed up with soap and warm water).
Even with weather warm and dry, the paint took about 4-5 hours to be dry to the touch. I waited until the next day to fill it back with kegs, secondary fermentation tanks, and the CO2 system.
For about $4, the interior of the chest freezer kegerator is now looking sharp and clean. While painting, I also recharged the desiccators so the interior should remain dry at least until the end of the summer. I still want to install a single manifold gas system and send the CO2 tank to the outside. Since we are moving in the fall, I'll wait on this project.

draft system,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
My Mai Tai
Everyone has a different cocktail recipe for a Mai Tai. We prefer it Hawaiian style with pineapple juice. For that, again, we turn to the Trader Joe's juice isle. TJ's pineapple juice is so much better than buying those tiny cans that Dole offers (I wonder if the origin is the same).
We've been making a few Mai Tais lately and have been experimenting with the formula. The base rum is typically white but last night we made two with spiced rum (one with Sailor Jerry and the other with Tortuga). The result was great. Here's what we have thus far:
My Mai Tai:
Fill glass with ice.
Fill to 2/5 glass with white or spiced rum.
Fill to 1/2 glass with equal parts Amaretto and Triple Sec.
Trader Joe's Pineapple Juice to nearly full, leaving room for the floater.
Mix by stirring.
Float dark rum on the top to taste.
Bars always use Myer's for their dark rum. We picked up some dark Big Black Dick when we visited Grand Cayman a few years back. I'm sure you're all laughing up some joke right now so I'll leave that for you to comment!

My Mai Tai:
Fill glass with ice.
Fill to 2/5 glass with white or spiced rum.
Fill to 1/2 glass with equal parts Amaretto and Triple Sec.
Trader Joe's Pineapple Juice to nearly full, leaving room for the floater.
Mix by stirring.
Float dark rum on the top to taste.

cocktail recipe
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sunshine with Kurt
Hangin out with Kurt at a local pub, Sunshine, after a day's work on the motorcycle. Enjoying a Stone Pale Ale.
Sent from my mobile phone.
Sent from my mobile phone.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Hop Farm, June 15 2008
WTF! I can't get the below space to go away! I've tried working in HTML and in Blogger's editor (both HTML and WYSIWYG). Looks like a blogger issue! I only wanted to format the post in tables so images at the left correspond with text on the right, this isn't too complicated!!! Somehow, the HTML conflicts with the blogger format.
homegrown hops,
hop farm,
hop garden,
Rrr! Pirate Tap Handle

The best part about this scurvy dog is that it looks like a good friend I like to call, Captain Dennis. He's a huge fan of a yearly pirate festival at Two Harbors on Catalina Island called Buccaneer Days. The festival takes place at the start of October and draws a large crowd to the island. The little town of Two Harbors teems with dirty pirates and skanky wenches, perfect for a weekend of drunken debauchery.
Somewhere in the mix, you'll find Captain Dennis firing off his canon and toasting, "Here's to you, here's to me, and may we never disagree, but if we do, fuck you! ...here's to me!"
We keep a collection of rum on our "top shelf" behind the kegerator for sipping and making our favorite pirate drinks. We keep Mount Gay, Extra Old in the decanter. To the left is rum direct from the Caribbean. Hmm, looks like we're out of our staple spiced rum, Sailor Jerry. I'm also a big fan of Captain Morgan's Private Reserve.

Skinny Pirate:
Fill glass with ice.
Mostly spiced rum.
Splash of Diet Coke.
Mix with hooked hand.
Pillage at will.
cocktail recipe,
tap handles,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Pale Ale, June 8 2008
You gotta brew what you like! I've been craving ales lately. I go through lots of brewing phases. Right now, I'm thirsty for quality ales.
Pale Ale
5 Gallons, All Grain, Single Infusion Mash, 90 Minute Boil
10lbs. Domestic Two-Row
1lb. Wiener Malz Vienna
1lb. Franco-Belges Munich
1/2lb. Carastan
1/4lb. Victory
1.5oz. Homegrown Chinook 60min.
1/4oz. Amarillo 20min.
1 Whirlfloc Tab 20min.
1/4oz. Amarillo 5min.
White Labs, California Ale Yeast
Pale Ale
5 Gallons, All Grain, Single Infusion Mash, 90 Minute Boil
10lbs. Domestic Two-Row
1lb. Wiener Malz Vienna
1lb. Franco-Belges Munich
1/2lb. Carastan
1/4lb. Victory
1.5oz. Homegrown Chinook 60min.
1/4oz. Amarillo 20min.
1 Whirlfloc Tab 20min.
1/4oz. Amarillo 5min.
White Labs, California Ale Yeast
homebrew recipe,
pale ale
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